These low-effort posts may require nothing more than instructing a writer to find a thoughtful and relevant article somewhere on the web, write a brief personal reaction to the article, Reuse interview materials, quotes, graphics, data sources, and topics to get the most out of your initial investment. Angie Lucas, a Salt Lake City-based freelance writer, was asked by a client to write six articles in three bylines for multiple publications that all pointed to the same report - in a time frame of about a month. Reuse interview material, quotes, graphics, data sources and topics to get the most out of them, says @hehurst. Click to tweet "You might think you'd get better, more differentiated results by assigning articles to six different writers," Angie says, "but I've found you can save a lot of time and effort by having the same person treat them. everything. In addition, it avoids accidental overlaps.
Angie says she only conducted a few interviews as the basis for all the articles, using different quotes from piece to piece. Relevant and particularly compelling statistics from the report were cited in almost every article. Plus, she was so familiar with each piece that if she wanted to make a similar point in another article, she could quote the Jamaica Phone Number List author of one of her other ghost-written articles. RELATED CONTENT AT Handfeed your hungry content channels with a powerful COPE-ing strategy Recycle content where possible, turning it into something new with each iteration. At Workfront, we invest in an in-depth survey such as the annual progress report. From this research, we usually publish the full report, an infographic, a blog post sharing unique information about the infographic, a SlideShare presentation, a blog post sharing a new and unique angle on the SlideShare presentation, a video or two, and more. Conference presentations or webinars often follow. The key to recycling content is changing the form rather than indulging in mindless
repetition. Marketer Emily King describes it this way: “Atomization can squeeze more value out of your successful content. It can bring this content to new audiences by adapting it to platforms and consumer preferences. This can increase the value of existing content by months or, as in our case, years. » Atomization can extend the value of your successful by months or years, says Click to tweet Angie says she was asked to revise line by line an article previously written by ghost. “The client had a publishing opportunity for one of their executives on a prestigious website, and it turned out that we had covered exactly that topic a few years earlier,” she says. “Since the executive was unavailable for a new interview as part of the timeline, I was asked to rewrite the old article sentence by sentence, find new supporting quotes and put up-to-date research.